Bio-Zyme Multi Purpose Cleaner
Bio-Zyme Multi Purpose Cleaner
Bio-zyme multi purpose cleaner
Enzyme based, environmentally friendly, multi-purpose cleaner. Bio-Zyme has been tested by Eurofins Australia for the effectiveness against virus’s, specifically coronavirus. Its proven that 60ml diluted with 1 litre water will kill +99.99% of virus within 15 minutes. Use on surfaces, equipment and tools.  TO USE: Dilute 60 mls with 1... READ MORE
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Enzyme based, environmentally friendly, multi-purpose cleaner. Bio-Zyme has been tested by Eurofins Australia for the effectiveness against virus’s, specifically coronavirus. Its proven that 60ml diluted with 1 litre water will kill +99.99% of virus within 15 minutes. Use on surfaces, equipment and tools. 

TO USE: Dilute 60 mls with 1 litre of water. 

Bio-Zyme is organic, with no solvents or caustic ingredients. It breaks down grease and removes organic material from the surface, which means surfaces are clean. Bio-Zyme Cleaner contains surfactants which help break down the oily layer around an envelope virus, which then allows the envelope virus to be attacked and killed. (ie: like washing your hands with soapy water for 20 seconds). BioZyme Cleaner has both Citric and Lactic Acid with a combined concentration 6.5%. When diluted at a ready to use rate of 60 ml per 1 litre of water it has a concentrate of 0.39% which is higher than lactic acid on its own, which kills virus’s and is confirmed with the test results from Eurofins. 

Enzyme based, environmentally friendly, multi-purpose cleaner. Bio-Zyme has been tested by Eurofins Australia for the effectiveness against virus’s, specifically coronavirus. Its proven that 60ml diluted with 1 litre water will kill +99.99% of virus within 15 minutes. Use on surfaces, equipment and tools. 

TO USE: Dilute 60 mls with 1 litre of water. 

Bio-Zyme is organic, with no solvents or caustic ingredients. It breaks down grease and removes organic material from the surface, which means surfaces are clean. Bio-Zyme Cleaner contains surfactants which help break down the oily layer around an envelope virus, which then allows the envelope virus to be attacked and killed. (ie: like washing your hands with soapy water for 20 seconds). BioZyme Cleaner has both Citric and Lactic Acid with a combined concentration 6.5%. When diluted at a ready to use rate of 60 ml per 1 litre of water it has a concentrate of 0.39% which is higher than lactic acid on its own, which kills virus’s and is confirmed with the test results from Eurofins.