Gena Pedi Soft Lotion 473ml
Gena Pedi Soft Lotion 473ml
Gena pedi soft lotion 473ml
Botanically enriched conditioning lotion with Natural Fruit Acids softens dry feet and legs. *Smoothes and Softens Apply 7g/0.25 fl oz of Pedi Soft to legs and feet, apply more if needed. Use your favorite massage technique to soothe and relax tired muscles and joints. For daily moisturizing apply after bath... READ MORE
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Botanically enriched conditioning lotion with Natural Fruit Acids softens dry feet and legs. *Smoothes and Softens

Apply 7g/0.25 fl oz of Pedi Soft to legs and feet, apply more if needed. Use your favorite massage technique to soothe and relax tired muscles and joints. For daily moisturizing apply after bath or shower. For deeper conditioning, warm Pedi Soft prior to massage. Follow with another Gena product for the "Perfect pedicure".

Botanically enriched conditioning lotion with Natural Fruit Acids softens dry feet and legs. *Smoothes and Softens

Apply 7g/0.25 fl oz of Pedi Soft to legs and feet, apply more if needed. Use your favorite massage technique to soothe and relax tired muscles and joints. For daily moisturizing apply after bath or shower. For deeper conditioning, warm Pedi Soft prior to massage. Follow with another Gena product for the "Perfect pedicure".