Seche Base Coat 14ml
Seche Base Coat 14ml
Seche base coat 14ml
Seche Natural 14ml Strengthening Base Coat.  Seche Natural™ contains key ingredients wheat protein, calcium and polyurethane to strengthen weak nails while leaving a healthy natural finish with out a high shine. Seche Natural™ can be worn alone leaving a matte finish or as a base coat under polish. READ MORE
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Seche Base Coat - Ridge Filling Base Coat 14ml

Seche Natural 14ml Strengthening Base Coat.  Seche Natural™ contains key ingredients wheat protein, calcium and polyurethane to strengthen weak nails while leaving a healthy natural finish with out a high shine. Seche Natural™ can be worn alone leaving a matte finish or as a base coat under polish.

Seche Natural 14ml Strengthening Base Coat.  Seche Natural™ contains key ingredients wheat protein, calcium and polyurethane to strengthen weak nails while leaving a healthy natural finish with out a high shine. Seche Natural™ can be worn alone leaving a matte finish or as a base coat under polish.