Vagheggi Equilibrium Gumming Geopeel Cream 150ml
Vagheggi Equilibrium Gumming Geopeel Cream 150ml
Vagheggi equilibrium gumming geopeel cream 150ml
GUMMING GEOPEEL CREAM Cosmetic product with white clay to normalize and purify thick and impure skins. Helichrysum vegetable flavonoids dim the excess of reactivity of impure skins and assure a stimulating and lenitive action at the same time. Active ingredients: clay, glycolic extract from helichrysum. READ MORE
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Vagheggi 75.15 Smoothing Day Cream 50ml


Cosmetic product with white clay to normalize and purify thick and impure skins. Helichrysum vegetable flavonoids dim the excess of reactivity of impure skins and assure a stimulating and lenitive action at the same time.

Active ingredients: clay, glycolic extract from helichrysum.


Cosmetic product with white clay to normalize and purify thick and impure skins. Helichrysum vegetable flavonoids dim the excess of reactivity of impure skins and assure a stimulating and lenitive action at the same time.

Active ingredients: clay, glycolic extract from helichrysum.